Published inBootcampExploring Plastic as a Case Study for the Circular EconomyAs someone deeply committed to sustainability and regenerative design, I find working with plastic both challenging and necessary. Plastic…Nov 18, 2024Nov 18, 2024
What Should Sustainable Graphic Design Look Like?In an era where sustainability has become a pressing concern across all industries, the field of graphic design is no exception. As visual…Nov 11, 2024Nov 11, 2024
Towards A New Design CommonsEllen Lupton said of her book Thinking with Type that it was a book for everyone because everyone deserves good typography. I think that…Jun 14, 20246Jun 14, 20246
Re-thinking Plastics: Towards a Recycular EconomyMusings on design within the circular economy Feb 5, 202413Feb 5, 202413
From Indesign to Pure ContentThe following essay is from a series of writings I turned into a lecture in 2014. From 2011–2014 my work colleagues and I explored a bunch…Mar 2, 20234Mar 2, 20234
LibreDesign: TeX/MetaFont DetourThe foundation of Free/Libre Open Source is connected to the greater domain of printing and Graphic Design. A particularly interesting one…Jul 16, 2022299Jul 16, 2022299
The Libre DesignerTowards an understanding of Free/Libre Open Source as Graphic Designers… Thoughts on freeing the practice of design… ?Jul 16, 2022307Jul 16, 2022307
Published inUX CollectiveWhat is Sustainable Graphic Design?I’m attempting to curate a space where visual designing and sustainability overlap meaningfully. I’ll walk us through some theories and a…Nov 16, 20214744Nov 16, 20214744
020210716215043 Ideas: What is a Sustainabilitist?I want to be better? but what does this mean? how does one do this?Jul 23, 2021346Jul 23, 2021346
The Triple Bottom Line as Design Effectiveness Judge?I am going to find random things in my sustainability and design channels, things that can work like prompts. I’ll then write…Jun 8, 2021321Jun 8, 2021321
BauErden — Build Earth!The ultimate aim of design must be restoring harmony in the carbon cycle. No longer can we produce meaningless prints, tchotchkes…Nov 13, 20191Nov 13, 20191
A Teaching PhilosophyTeaching is more difficult than learning because what teaching calls for is this: to let learn. The real teacher, in fact, lets nothing…Oct 31, 20171Oct 31, 20171
A Conversation around Open Source, Sustainability, Aesthetics, + Design.Two friends discussing how designers might better use open source tools and participate in open source communities amongst other things…Aug 9, 20172Aug 9, 20172
Too Many Choices.Given limited time and resources, how does one decide on what to work? You can’t solve all problems, you can’t do all things. What then…Sep 9, 2015Sep 9, 2015
More Sustainabilitist RamblingsIn car and building design choices made regarding fuel efficiency or energy usage have drastic impact on aesthetics. Certain shapes…Sep 8, 2015Sep 8, 2015
We are all CriticsEach of us has the faculties to be critical. Every time you use something and are vexed by failure or complication, try to voice the cause…Sep 7, 2015Sep 7, 2015
Decoupling content from its site.One thing that isn’t working well for me with Ruhoh, Wintersmith, etc. is that they mix site content with site generation files to a…Jul 2, 2015Jul 2, 2015
Striving For Static SitesThere is a lot of working happening in the static site generation realm. I’ve played with a number of options: Jekyll, Ruhoh, Nanoc, and…Jul 2, 2015Jul 2, 2015
Thoughts on Friz.The ubiquity of a certain typeface is an interesting thing. Maybe it’s just that once you become attuned to something you see it…Jul 1, 2015Jul 1, 2015